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In the mid-1970s, Rico, a 9-year-old Haitian boy, was brutally uprooted from his native land.
to be propelled with Erzulie, his mother, to a strange planet called Canada.
Since their arrival, a distance seems to have grown between mother and son. To win back
his mother’s love, Rico will have to come to grips with this New World, populated by people with different habits and customs.
strange customs. Fortunately, he can count on Kana, his imaginary friend straight from the heart.
from Haitian mythology.
Director and screenplay Henri Pardo
Producers Éric Idriss-Kanago, Daniela Mujica, Adolf El Assal, Neigeme Glasgow-Maeda
Production managers Arantza Maldonado, Stefan Milovic
Post-production supervisor Cyril Consolaro-Hachette
Line producer Marie-Louise Gariepy
Art director Kenny Dorvil
Costume designer Caroline Bodson
1st Assistant Director Ayesha Sheikh
Original score Brian D’Oliveira
Sound Arnaud Mallet
Montage Marc Recchia
Director of photography Glauco Bermudez
